Stellar Dev Digest: Issue #15

Rob Durst
Stellar Community
Published in
5 min readSep 20, 2019

Hey y’all! It’s about that time of the week again. Welcome to another issue of the Stellar Dev Digest, a weekly recap of all things related to the development of the Stellar Network.

What is Stellar? Stellar is a platform that connects banks, payments systems, and people. Integrate to move money quickly, reliably, and at almost no cost.

Featured Developer Posts and News from the Week

  1. SDF wrote an article outlining some exciting things you can do NOW with your airdropped XLM — Full Post
  2. Just another reminder to be careful and avoid scams — Full Warning
  3. The latest and greatest on StellarTorch — Update Here
  4. SDF published its August roundup — Blog Post
  5. Satoshipay released v0.21.0 of its Solar Wallet! This release comes with several new views and UI improvements — Release Notes

Application of the Week

This week’s featured application is the Lumenaut Pool, developed and maintained by b1tcc and voidburn. Congratulations!

Not only is the Lumenaut Pool the largest and oldest inflation pool on the Stellar network, it is also completely free to join. At time of writing, there are more than 17,500 accounts with 816,043,450.65 XLM worth of votes. If you are curious about learning what an inflation pool is, seeing the payment history of this pool, or supporting this completely voluntary cause, click the links.

Interested in promoting your own project, or another exciting project in the ecosystem? If so, please make a submission here.

Updates to Stellar Protocol (CAPs) and Ecosystem (SEPs)

Core Advancement Proposals (CAP) and Stellar Ecosystem Proposals (SEP) are a formal way of documenting proposed standards to improve various aspects of the Stellar Network. These function similar to EIPs and BIPs from the Ethereum and Bitcoin communities respectively. CAPs and SEPs represent the culmination of many discussions that often take place on the Stellar Developer Google Group.

As a follow up from last week, the PR’s for both CAP-0024 and CAP-0025 were merged this week. This marks the transition of these CAPs from Implementation Review →Implemented. If you are unfamiliar with the CAP process, please checkout last week’s digest. These caps are rapidly approaching the final stage. How exciting!

The core team waving these CAPs across the finish line.

The majority of the rest of this week’s protocol news is around SEP-0006. This SEP is focused on standardizing the deposit/withdrawal flow for anchors, or asset issuers on the network. Most of the changes, detailed below, are around further solidifying and tightening up the language and specifications for the process. Since this SEP is still not widely implemented, many of the small details are still subject to change as implementation complexities and edge cases arise.

All-in-all, seven pull requests were merged in the last week:

Updates to Stellar Core

This was another exciting week for core! First things first, we saw the first PR’s from sisuresh, a new member to core. Welcome! Next up is the release of the first 12.0.0 release candidate. As with all other release candidates, this is cutting edge, so not recommended for production. That being said, it includes the recently merged implementations of CAP-0024 and CAP-0025. So, if you’re into bleeding edge technology, give this a try — and if you run into any issues, open an issue. As this is the first release candidate, there are not really any release notes, but if you are interested, you can follow the progress of this release here.

Overall, three pull requests were merged in the last week:

Calls for Participation

Looking to get your hands dirty and not sure where to begin? The Stellar ecosystem is full of open source projects looking for help. The following projects are interested in some help and are very likely willing to offer mentorship in exchange:

awesome-stellar (Markdown): A curated list of Stellar applications, blog posts, educational resources, tools, and more

Stellar Vanity Wallet Generator (Rust): generate Stellar vanity wallets

Kelp (Go): a free and open-source trading bot for the Stellar universal marketplace

State of the Developer Ecosystem

This week we had three releases, the Stellar-core release described above and updates to the JavaScript and .Net SDKs. With the JavaScript SDK’s v0.3.1 release, Horizon’s join capabilities are now usable. The join functionality, first released in Horizon 0.19.0, makes larger and more intense api queries much easier. With the .Net SDK’s test5 release, I could not quite tell what had been updated, but it looks like something exciting is in store.


Looking to work on Stellar full-time?!? Check out the list of job openings below:

  • SDF Frontend Engineer (New York) Apply
  • SDF Senior Platform Engineer (San Francisco) Apply
  • SDF Senior Core Engineer (San Francisco) Apply
  • SDF Senior Platform Engineer (New York) Apply
  • SDF Software Integration Engineer (San Francisco) Apply

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Want to get the Stellar Dev Digest and other developer updates directly to your inbox? Sign up for the developer newsletter today!

Did I Miss Something?

Darn, I knew it! If you found that something from this issue is missing or inaccurate, please open an issue here or message me (r_durst) on Keybase and I will get around to it ASAP. Thanks!

