Stellar & Coinbase Earn


Late last year, Coinbase launched Coinbase Earn, which rewards people for educating themselves about cryptocurrency. Basically, you watch videos explaining a platform’s tech or mission; you answer a few questions about what you’ve seen; and, like magic, you get some of their crypto in your wallet. The idea is to encourage people to explore new digital asset and learn about their utility and underlying tech.

Start Earning Stellar Lumens today!

We’re all for empowerment and education, and, today, Stellar Development Foundation is launching as Coinbase’s largest Earn partner to-date. In conjunction with their team, we’ve created five videos that explain Stellar’s features and uses. As an educational incentive, we’ve committed 1 billion XLM to Earn, 100% of which will go to users. We’ll start by rolling out to qualifying users in the US, and we will keep you posted as we expand this to more areas.

The content of some of the videos may not be all that new for anyone reading this blog. What’s truly novel and exciting is that soon millions of people will be watching them who until now have never heard of Stellar or what we’ve been building.

Once you’re part of Earn, you get $2 in XLM for each video lesson you complete, so if you watch all five you get…I don’t even know. A lot. On top of that, you can invite up to four friends, and earn up to $10 for each one that qualifies and goes through a lesson. So the total possible bounty per person is, yeah, $50 (in XLM of course). Stellar gives you the highest earning potential, by far, through Coinbase Earn.

Why are we being so aggressive with these amounts? As Coinbase puts it, Earn “has the potential to expand the blockchain user base from the tens of millions of people with the resources to mine or buy crypto to the billions of people who now have smartphones.” For a platform like Stellar, that aspires to be a worldwide payment network, that’s an incredibly compelling prospect. Our work with Earn will be ongoing, and we’ll post further updates as they happen.

Check out Earn XLM. Happy earning.

