Tap into Your Cosmic Power: 8 Ways to Harness Solar Eclipse Energy

On April 8th, 2024 a cosmic shift is in the cards.

Tristan Mueller
Stellar Journey
3 min readApr 8, 2024


Photo by Jongsun Lee on Unsplash

Ophira Edut, a renowned astrologer and one of the Astrotwins, puts it simply: "It’s a time for big changes." As the Sun and Moon play their celestial dance, excitement pulses through me. Little did I know, this solar eclipse would be the spark for major changes in my life.

In the blazing sign of Aries, this eclipse ignites a fire within, stirring dormant passions to life. Now, I feel empowered to be truly myself, breaking free from the chains of conformity. No more hiding in the background. It’s my moment to shine.

Here’s 10 down-to-earth ways to tap into your cosmic potential during a solar eclipse:

1. Get Clear: Start by getting clear about what you want to achieve or let go of during the eclipse. It could be anything from letting go of self-doubt to manifesting a new opportunity.

2. Take a Moment: Find a quiet spot where you can sit and reflect during the eclipse. Take a few deep breaths, relax, and let your mind wander. You might be surprised at the insights that come to you.

3. Write it Down: Writing can be a powerful tool for manifestation. Take some time to jot down your intentions or create a vision board to represent your desires visually.

4. Connect with Nature: Spend some time outdoors during the eclipse if possible. Feel the sun’s warmth on your skin or listen to the sounds of nature around you. It’s a great way to feel grounded and connected to the earth.

5. Practice Gratitude: Take a moment to appreciate the good things in your life, no matter how small. Gratitude can help shift your focus from what you lack to what you have, attracting more positivity into your life.

6. Do Something Creative: Whether it’s painting, writing, or playing music, let your creativity flow during the eclipse. It’s a fun way to express yourself and tap into your inner wisdom.

7. Stay Open: Be open to whatever comes your way during the eclipse. Sometimes the universe has a way of surprising us with opportunities we never imagined.

8. Take Action: Once the eclipse is over, take inspired action towards your goals. Whether it’s making a phone call, sending an email, or simply taking a small step in the right direction, every action counts.

Remember, tapping into your cosmic potential doesn’t have to be complicated. Trust yourself, stay open to the possibilities, and enjoy the ride!

This celestial event isn’t just a passive display in the sky. It’s a call to harness cosmic energies and shape our own destiny. I’m prepared to face the challenges and victories that lie ahead on the astral plane.

I invite you to join me in harnessing the transformative power of the April 8th, 2024 solar eclipse. Let go of the past and embrace the beginning of a new era under the expansive sky. The stars are calling. Are you ready to answer?

Photo by Geronimo Giqueaux on Unsplash



Tristan Mueller
Stellar Journey

I serve up my take on current events with a side of satire. When it comes to self-improvement, I aim to help unlock our full potentials, but at heart, I'm a sp