Five Ways to Prepare for June’s Solar Storms

Our sun has been throwing a cosmic tantrum lately.

Tristan Mueller
Stellar Journey
3 min readJun 17, 2024


Credit: Hiro Sheridan

Hello, fellow Medium readers! Today, we’re diving into something a bit out of this world—literally. Whether you’re an armchair meteorologist or just someone who loves their tech, space weather can impact us all.

These are the top five ways to be prepared for this crazy space weather.

1. Stay Informed with Reliable Updates

First things first, knowledge is power. Platforms like NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center provide real-time updates on solar activity. Recently, sunspot regions AR3712 and AR3713 have been particularly active, with AR3713 producing a significant M3.2 flare that caused minor radio blackouts.

By staying informed through reliable sources, we can anticipate potential disruptions and plan accordingly.

2. Protect Your Electronics

Solar flares can wreak havoc on our electronic devices. Invest in surge protectors and consider using uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) for your essential electronics. These can help mitigate damage from sudden power surges caused by geomagnetic storms. It's a small investment for the security of your devices and data.

Credit: Nasa

3. Develop a Communication Plan

Solar activity can disrupt communications, including GPS and satellite signals. Have a backup communication plan in place. Whether it's a secondary internet connection, alternative navigation methods, or even good old-fashioned maps and radios, being prepared ensures you can stay connected when it matters most.

4. Safeguard Critical Infrastructure

For those responsible for critical infrastructure, like power grids or communication networks, it’s crucial to have protective measures in place. Coordination between organizations like NOAA, NASA, and power grid operators helps mitigate the impacts of solar events. Regular maintenance and upgrading of systems to withstand geomagnetic disruptions are essential steps in safeguarding infrastructure.

5. Strengthen Community Collaboration

Just as in the military, teamwork and collaboration are vital. Engage with communities, both online and offline, to share information and resources. Platforms like Medium are fantastic for exchanging ideas and staying updated on the latest developments. Remember, preparedness is a collective effort, and sharing knowledge strengthens us all.

By staying informed, protecting our devices, having backup plans, and safeguarding infrastructure, we can effectively prepare for these events. The way I see it, it’s all about being proactive so our daily lives remain uninterrupted.

Here’s to staying informed, staying prepared, and supporting one another in all endeavors.
Keep shining bright, just like our sun—minus the flares!

Credit: Chris Butler



Tristan Mueller
Stellar Journey

I serve up my take on current events with a side of satire. When it comes to self-improvement, I aim to help unlock our full potentials, but at heart, I'm a sp