Think The Beatles

When A.I. Takes The Beatles Challenge

One day soon, artificial intelligence will take the Beatles Challenge, relax its mind, and float downstream.

Bryce Zabel
The ReMix
Published in
8 min readJun 18, 2020


Could an A.I. actually give us more Beatles?

For the average person, there’s so much in the news these days that having enough bandwidth to consider the merits of artificial intelligence seems like too much work.

Even so, there’s got to be more to A.I. than Skynet waking up and raining hell on humanity, otherwise what’s the point?

Imagine a cutting edge A.I., known as “Arti,” and how this new intelligence tries to fix a longing humans have had for more than half a half-century — to hear a new Beatles LP. Let that be.

The Beatles Challenge

A few years from now, Apple introduces its new artificial intelligence with its usual swagger when a hologram of Steve Jobs makes the presentation. Jobs has been created by stitching together interviews he granted when his Apple Computers and The Beatles’ Apple Records worked it out in 2007.

A Steve Jobs Hologram Describes Cutting Edge A.I.



Bryce Zabel
The ReMix

Writer/producer in features & TV. Creator, five primetime series. Ex: TV Academy CEO; CNN reporter; USC professor. Author of books about the Beatles, JFK, UFOs.