Your Sales Capacity Planner

Stellaris Venture Partners
Stellaris Perspectives
2 min readDec 14, 2023

By Arpit Maheshwari

High-growth SaaS companies depend significantly on their sales teams to meet ambitious revenue targets. Despite having a product with a compelling value proposition and a high demand for sign-ups, the challenge arises as the sales team nears peak productivity. This bottleneck in sales capacity has the potential to cripple even the most promising ventures.

The Problem: Insufficient sales capacity can manifest in numerous ways: missed opportunities, frustrated customers, and ultimately, missed revenue targets. Building a high-performing GTM team requires careful planning and a data-driven approach.

Our Solution: Straight from the SaaS playbook, introducing ‘Your Sales Capacity Planner’, a model designed to help founders take control of their growth plans. This model is a roadmap to:

  • Forecast and plan the number of SDRs and AEs required to achieve your revenue goals
  • Build your GTM org after seeing early signs of a repeatable GTM motion kicking in
  • Achieve predictable revenue by eliminating guesswork

Guided by your company’s Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) growth, Net Dollar Retention (NDR), sales quotas, hiring lead time, and ramp-up times, this model helps you make data-driven choices to build your GTM org after seeing early signs of a repeatable GTM motion kicking in.

Who is this for: Founders and sales leaders striving to ramp up their GTM function and seeking to optimize their sales efficiency to maximize conversions and meet revenue targets.

Who this is not for: Teams employing Product Led Growth (PLG) motions and those with fewer than 5 sales team members.

Seamlessly ramp up your GTM team with Your Sales Capacity Planner, download the model here:

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Stellaris Venture Partners
Stellaris Perspectives

Stellaris is an early-stage venture capital firm, investing in tech and tech-enabled consumer and enterprise startups in India.