Beam and Stellerro to cooperate and solve Traditional IPO Challenges Using Digital Securities

Oded van Kloeten
Published in
2 min readAug 9, 2019

We are happy to announce today the collaboration with Beam, a scalable confidential Cryptocurrency solution.

Unlike simple utility tokens, compliant security tokens usually require being able to create and manage as a strict set of rules, which is achieved by using Smart Assets. Beam will cooperate with Stellerro to productize the Confidential Assets issuance technology on Beam blockchain, offering best-in-class security token issuance and trading solution complete with full privacy of asset holding and transactions. Stellerro will offer its customers to launch their security token offerings on Beam blockchain infrastructure, and invest in marketing and distribution of the security token offering.

Beam for token issuance

Beam utilizes the benefits of its confidential and scalable blockchain for the development of Confidential Asset issuance capabilities. Token issuers will be able to create and manage tokens while retaining the capability to best define, controlling and enforcing all the associated rules required for trading digital securities.

For the matter of this partnership, the functionality will be built to match the implementation of Stellerro™ underwriting demands, with abilities like managing trades, offering new types of confidential assets, issue reports and integrate with 3rd party reporting and accounting services.

Current issuance platforms, such as Ethereum, Stellar and Tron, have all the transnational data recorded on a public chain, thus making all the holdings and transactions observable by anyone, thus compromising financial privacy of holders and paving the way for frontrunning and other detrimental behaviors. Beam is based on the innovative Mimblewimble protocol that is designed from the ground up to maintain the integrity of the distributed transaction ledger without disclosing any transaction or ownership information.

By partnering with Beam with Beam, Stellerro™ unique solution completes the full automation cycle of the traders KYC process, validating traders’ transactions and issuer verification and finally, verification of transactions by Beam Nodes and recording of the transaction on the Blockchain.

Stay tuned for more:

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