Stellite Monthly Update — December 2018

Published in
3 min readDec 31, 2018

Hello everyone,

The Year 2018 is coming to an end and many people (including us of course) are spending time with their families and friends. This year we did spend time with our second family also — Stellite.

Preparing for the much needed fork took us a lot of time because we had to do the whole job twice. We did have the V5 version ready on the current algorithm with some big changes:

V5 Adamantium’s features:

  • 5 Minute block time
  • New features from XMR upstream
  • Bulletproofs
  • A new GUI wallet

You can read about it in more details in one of our articles

Just before we wanted to set a fork height a really big miner came in and changed our plans. We can only speculate what the big miner might be but the only fighting chance to protect the smaller miners is to move to Cryptonight V2 (Monero V8).

We’ve made some changes to original V8, namely reduce the iterations by half but keep the memory usage same this is to avoid the threat of nicehash. This is a simple solution to fix the current problems with FPGA miners. We are working on a much more complex PoW for the future.

Next step in V5 deployment

Even though everything is ready we are one step away from setting a height, a mainnet fork on a copy of the current network. We are setting this up and will be ready the coming days.

You can test how your hardware will mine with new algorithm against testpool (edit: because of preparation to fork, it can be unavailable sometime):

You can use our test release of XTL-stak ( or SRBminer ( SRBminer was the first to support V5 with the algorithm change, many thanks to the SRBminer author!

Because of the changes in Stak’s auto configuration and the change in our algorithm I am preparing an article with configuration values for the different AMD cards to get the best hash rate we managed to reach while testing. It will be released in few days and I will be happy to see your hashrates on our Discord channel to help other users.

Rest of Stellite products development

Because of the rush of V5 and of course the Holidays we were less productive than usual in other aspects. Tweaks and enhancements for StellitePay, Mobile Miner and wallet are being worked on. You can expect more after the release of V5 including a new exchange (finally!)

As year 2018 is coming to an end and also the one year anniversary of Stellite closing in people tend to summarize and make up a balance. This year has been quite the year for the crypto world, it was a painful year for a lot of people investment wise. Lots of people left crypto for good (or at least until FOMO hits them again) but we are still here and keep on developing!

I hope we showed you that our development is not driven by price but we want to release a good product that makes us proud. We are trying to avoid any hype and just develop and deliver. Our strong community will show the rest of the crypto world what we are about.

That’s all we can wish for all of our community for next year crypto-wise.

Otherwise take care and stay healthy to be able to enjoy your wealth :)

I would like to thank our incredible community and hope you guys keep supporting us as you did the previous year. I would like to thank Stellite team members being fun to be around with. Also want to thank our mods doing great job. Patience is a key, keep remembering that!

We are wishing everyone a wonderful and Happy New Year!

