Emerging network of resources for exploring paths beyond academia

STEM Advocacy Institute
STEM Advocacy Publications
1 min readJul 1, 2015

An expanding collection of resources is helping trainees acquire important knowledge about careers outside academia.

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he current career landscape for scientists in biomedical research is a widespread concern for many. Much of the scrutiny from trainees and administrators alike focuses on ways in which the existing structure of US biomedical research programs no longer serves the best interests of its trainees. Many cite systemic flaws within the current academic system that could be improved to help trainees adapt to evolving academic and industrial environments. These include low rates of obtaining federal funding for research, insufficient financial compensation, a stagnant trend in available faculty positions and exceedingly long training periods, among others. Given this current situation, it is easy to understand how graduate and postdoctoral trainees can become disenchanted with the existing academic climate.

Published in Nature Biotechnology: Read Here.



STEM Advocacy Institute
STEM Advocacy Publications

Developing new questions, ideas, tools, & insights for trainees, organizations and policy makers in science around the world.