Science and education in Uganda

STEM Advocacy Institute
STEM Advocacy Publications
1 min readJan 14, 2017

by Staff

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he Ugandan government has a policy whereby science subjects are compulsory for secondary school students. The policy took effect in 2006 (1). The policy also provides financial support to university students taking science subjects. Some have criticized the policy because it has put girls at a disadvantage (2).

Below is some data from UNESCO Institute of Statistics (3) showcasing education data from Uganda. It was visualized in an effort to help STEM initiatives and organizations in Uganda.


(1) Science education gets double boost in

(2) Namatende-Sakw, Lydia (2013). Government Policy on Science Education in Uganda: A Glass Ceiling for Women’s Access to Higher Education.

(3) UNESCO Institute of Statistics —



STEM Advocacy Institute
STEM Advocacy Publications

Developing new questions, ideas, tools, & insights for trainees, organizations and policy makers in science around the world.