Sending and Receiving STEM Coins

John D
2 min readFeb 8, 2018

In order to send and receive STEM Coins you must create a trustline between your Stellar wallet and STEMchain. In this article I will breakdown step-by-step how.

1. Navigate to

Log in using your Stellar Wallet Private Key, Ledger Nano S, or create a new account. Note: if you are creating a new account you must first send 5 XLM to your public key to activate your account.

2. Navigate to Account and then Accept assets

3. Find STEMchain in the list of assets

4. Add the STEM Coin Trustline by clicking accept STEM

5. Trustline Added

After you have successfully added the STEM coin trustline, you will see the the STEM trustline in your list.

6. Send STEM Coins to your Stellar Wallet

You are now able to buy, sell, and receive STEM coins. If you want to receive STEM Coins just send them to your Public Key as you would Stellar Lumens.

All Done!

