Quarantine Parents Guide: Activities for Kids at Home to Fight Boredom

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2 min readApr 21, 2020

Let’s face it. How much ever you love your kids, they often get on your nerves when they have nothing to do. And this quarantine period might look nothing less than a nightmare with their cranky and bored selves pushing your sanity to the borders. It’s all the more trouble if you are working remotely and their constant call for you doesn’t let you focus. The only way out here is to keep kids busy. How? You’ll know soon! There is a range of resources for parents, available to help conduct activities for kids at home and keep them involved.

Making the Indoors Fun with Activities for Kids at Home

The pandemic has brought a substantial change in our everyday lives and to get used to this containment at home will take some time, especially for the kids. Ever enthusiastic to go outdoors, they might feel trapped and that can leave them agitated and lethargic. What you can do in this situation is to make the most use of what you’ve got.

Find out about some resources that you as a parent can rely on to keep kids busy while doing fun activities with them at home HERE.

Psst. A little something before you leave!

If you would like to read more about how to ensure uninterrupted learning during the quarantine, go check out these articles as well!




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