Technology and Education: Using Technology in the Classroom

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2 min readFeb 26, 2020
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Today, technology is all over the place. It has become almost inescapable and has finely blended with our lives, exercising an influence on most of our activities. Among these, learning is one such area where technology has proved its presence to be highly beneficial. David Warlick, an educator, author, and programmer, very well explained how using technology in the classroom can improve and speed up the process of human growth when he said,

We need technology in every classroom and in every student and teacher’s hand, because it is the pen and paper of our time, and it is the lens through which we experience much of our world.

And he makes absolute sense! As today’s students are digital natives, using technology in the classroom is a great way to engage them and ensure full participation. It is an effective learning method with interactivity as its best and leads to a better understanding of any subject than conventional teaching methods do. For Example, learning about electric conductors and insulators from textbooks will fail in comparison to learning the same by experimenting, creating an electric circuit and testing if it works with various substances; or learning mathematical calculations by playing simple games on an i-pad; or learning about arts and culture by watching documentaries.

Read more HERE to know how technology and education go hand in hand & how teachers can make using technology in the classroom constructive with the right resources.

Psst. A little something before you leave!

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