How to determine Product-Market-Fit

Martin Böttcher
Step back and take a closer look
1 min readSep 10, 2018

#1 product-market-fit is a journey and cannot be a time-bound project goal

#2 product-market-fit is not binary (yes/no)

#3 product-market-fit is the intersection between business goals and user needs

#4 product-market-fit is reached when you validated your product-market-fit hypotheses positively

#5 There are different indicators that help to determine how good your product-market-fit is, those are for example:

* If at least 40% percent of surveyed customers indicate that they would be “very disappointed” if they no longer have access to a particular product or service
* Net Promoter Score
* Showing that you can reach 10% of what you define your „minimum-success“ (mostly revenue/profit)
* Other Key Success Indicators



Martin Böttcher
Step back and take a closer look

Hi, I'm passionate about great apps, intuitive and beautiful designs, and products that improve people's lives.