Magic of Believing.

Vinayak Mathur
Step by step with Vinayak
3 min readJun 26, 2020

Welcome, everyone!
We will be starting with a new story today, a story about believing in yourself.

Manav worked at a company which was actively involved in the manufacturing of automobile parts and he was a fantastic worker, he switched from his earlier job and has been working in the company for over a year now. His seniors were delighted with the quality of the work that Manav delivers, despite this progress, Manav is a bit sceptical about his expertise in the job, life was going smooth for him till his company decided to merge with a rival company for greater benefits. He still had his job, but he started lagging, his work was not up to his previous standards, and since everyone was familiar with the kind of work that he did, he was approached by a lot of colleagues regarding this issue, all of them mentioned to him that, he was not working at the required level but, none of them gave him a solution or any piece of good advice, he thought he wasn’t good enough anymore and soon became a troubled person, and no matter how hard he tried, it just wasn’t working for him, he made up his mind to quit the job and started searching for new positions elsewhere.
Seeing, the degrading condition of one of the good employees, a manager came forward and decided to talk to Manav about this stuff.
Can you guess what did the Manager say to him?
A lot of common guesses go something like this, that he was told by the manager that he needed to step up his game or else he might lose his job.
But contrary to popular opinion, the manager went and took all of the earlier work that Manav did for the company, she sat in his cabin and showed him rock-solid numbers, the work which was done by Manav when he joined the firm, she made him realise that he was not working in his best form and had so much potential to do great things, at the end of this conversation, she said to Manav, You have no idea what you are capable of, Manav thanked her and said that he would work harder.
From the next day, he started working on himself by the end of the week he was catching up with his work at great speed.
In the end, I would just like to tell you that today, we have so much noise in our lives, we sometimes forget how powerful we are, and if we don’t believe in ourselves, then no one else ever will. Let us start believing in others and ourselves so that we can improve together step by step.

You can also listen to the podcast version of this story!

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