We can be free

Vinayak Mathur
Step by step with Vinayak
2 min readJun 17, 2020

Welcome back everyone,
I have to share something with you all, it’s not a story but more like a realisation that I had some time ago.
Let’s begin then,
We all love kids right?
each one of us has our own reasons for loving them, they’re so cute, adorable and their tiny little hands and feet and the way they laugh at absolutely anything.
All of these things are great but there’s something else that we all love about kids, you know what?
Their ability to do anything.
When we were kids, we were constantly cheered by everyone and they said that we could do anything but as we grew older we got stuck to a monotonous pattern and started calling it life, earlier we had this belief that we could do anything, become anyone but now we are bounded by shackles and every time you try to do something new, something you love, something for yourself, you feel something strange, something that is pulling you back, something that isn’t allowing you to be free.
All of our lives, we have never looked back to see who’s holding us or what is holding us, and we just move forward with the flow. Have you seen waves in the sea? How beautiful and persistent they are, it’s the same thing with opportunities, they keep coming in our lives, and once in a while, you will get the feeling to break yourself free from everything and do what you really want. When that happens, you will gather all your courage to look back and you’ll realise, that there is no one, it was you who was holding you back, your very own thoughts. After that realisation, you’ll break free.
A lot of people have started doing what they really want, it doesn’t matter if it’s a career choice or any relationship or literally anything you should not hold back and encourage others to do the same, and then together we can become the best versions of ourselves step by step.

You can also listen to the podcast version of this story!

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