We are stronger together.

You can be ambitious and content together.

Vinayak Mathur
Step by step with Vinayak
2 min readJun 12, 2020


Today, I have a new story for you all, so let’s start.
This story is about two friends, Mike and Dave, they both work at the same company and have known each other since the past 5 years.
Mike is a fast performer, he has been moving up in the ranks quickly and is now the regional head of his division while Dave is a consistent performer and works as a general manager, despite this stark difference in their positions they do not let their professional lives interfere with their personal lives.
Mike had a huge mansion, a beautiful wife and a small boy, he practically had all the riches yet he was somehow always troubled and was keen to achieve more, he was always encouraged by everyone to follow his desires, but he was never fully satisfied with anything. On the other hand, Dave had two kids with his beautiful wife and they lived in a small villa.
Dave had materialistic desires and a family to feed but he never let his desires take control of him, and this was the reason why he was still happy as compared to his friend who had way more money than dave had ever earned.
One evening, they both were discussing a company matter while walking home, in the middle of the conversation, dave saw that mike was tensed and asked him if something was wrong?
Mike was hesitant in the beginning but he eventually told dave that he was not happy with his life, he had everything one could imagine yet, he was constantly anxious.
Dave listened patiently,and after a brief moment, he turned to Mike and said that you have to learn to enjoy the little things of your life and start appreciating what you have right now.
Mike froze for a few seconds and realised that he never really took out time to have fun, he smiled at Dave and said, so that’s how you remain so cheerful to which Dave replied now you know. Mike hugged Dave, thanked him for listening to his problems and then they both went to their homes.
So wrapping up today’s story with a profound thought,
Humans are constantly in the search for happiness if only we would stop for a moment, take a deep breath and be grateful for all that we have, we can learn to create our own happiness.
We are often wrapped by our ambitions and are driven to do more, which is great but we have to learn to be happy with what we have right now as well and the best part, we can do this together step by step.

You can also listen to the podcast version of this story!

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