$ 7 Trillon Self Driving Future

Intel’s new study predicts a $7 trillion self-driving future

Stephan Kolb
Road to Singularity I by Stephan Kolb
1 min readJun 12, 2017


Google’s self-driving cars detect and avoid obstacles I Source: extremetech.com

Intel predicts a $7 trillion annual revenue stream by 2050 in the emerging passanger industry, according to a new study it released Thursday. The study is prepared by Strategy Analytics.

You can download the study here.

The emerging passanger industry is mostly driven by new technologies for autonomous driving and lift sharing services. Leading companies are at this Tesla Motors, Uber, Lyft or Waymo. The race is on and as technology evolves, I hope we are going to see a first autonomous long distance ride by the end this year (2017).

Let’s do a little poll here:

Who do you think is going to make the race for the first autonomous long distance ride — let’s say from the west to the coast of the U.S.?

  1. Tesla
  2. Uber
  3. Lyft
  4. Waymo
  5. Apple
  6. Any other suggests?

Type your answers into the respond box.

