A Big One: Amazon unveils Echo Show

Amazon just unveiled its Echo Show, its Alexa AI in form of a screen with a camera and speaker. Launch date June 28, 2017.

Stephan Kolb
Road to Singularity I by Stephan Kolb
1 min readMay 9, 2017


For me this is the biggest leap forward in so many different use cases with AI (artificial intelligence) wich really could work out.

I mean marketing or product videos are mostly promising something wich the product can’t keep. Well we will below see if that is the case with echo show:

So, have you watched the video? It’s awesome! I even can’t wait to use the thing. As a dad of two, I also really had to grin…

What do you think about it? And why do you think AI is an important technology? Just hit the comment box below.

More about echo show you’ll find here.

