Dear Parents, Success is Not Measured By Finding the Right Answer

Stephanie Nicole
Stephanie Nicole’s Writing Corner
5 min readFeb 14, 2021


We are here to help your child grow, not tell them the right answer.

Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

Dear Parents,

I am your child’s teacher. I want to support your child’s education in the best way I can. I appreciate your support in your child’s education. Believe me, a child can make the most out of his or her education with parental support. However, a child also needs to be challenged to get the most out of his or her education. The problem is, your idea of supporting your child’s education and my idea conflict with each other.

You seem to think that by giving your child the right answer, you are supporting his or her education. Indeed, some of education focuses on the child having the right answer. However, having the right answer is not the most important part of education. It is about the child being able to arrive at the right answer his or herself. In other words, he or she has to be able to complete the task his or herself. Your child cannot complete the task independently if he or she is being given the answer. I am here to help your child grow, so how can I do that if you are giving him or her the answers? The child will become too dependent on someone else to give them the answers and will be too afraid to try to find the answers themselves. I need your child to become self-sufficient, not for them…



Stephanie Nicole
Stephanie Nicole’s Writing Corner

Elementary school teacher who writes about education, children/young adult media, childhood, and disability. College graduate who rediscovered anime!