How Writing Gave Me Control of My Life

It helped me figure out who I am outside of teaching.

Stephanie Nicole
Stephanie Nicole’s Writing Corner


Photo by fotografierende from Pexels

Reality can be difficult to live through, especially when you try to live in reality 100% of the time. The problem with reality is that you wait for something amazing to happen, but it never does. You wait to be excited, meet some new friends, even meet that perfect person, and it never happens. You are just left feeling bored or empty inside because of what never happened in the reality you live. After I graduated college, I was so desperate to know what the next chapter of my life would be. Who would I meet? Where would I meet them? Where would I live my life?

In Spring 2019, I worked as a substitute teacher and didn’t have to worry about school anymore. I wasn’t living my dream of becoming a full-time teacher, but it was a step closer to that dream. I thought not worrying about school would be splendid! The problem was, I felt so incomplete. I had a great job that would help me achieve my dream, but I still wasn’t happy. I was experiencing depression similar to a depression I felt four years prior. I was never happy; I was always crying, and I just couldn’t make sense of the world around me. It was very hard for me to understand why this was, but then I came to a conclusion; I wasn’t happy because I felt incomplete. In the past, I had work and I had school. That…



Stephanie Nicole
Stephanie Nicole’s Writing Corner

Elementary school teacher who writes about education, children/young adult media, childhood, and disability. College graduate who rediscovered anime!