The CSS Grid Enchiridion

Developer Handbook to CSS Grid

Stephen Koo
Stephen Koo
5 min readOct 10, 2017


A handy reference guide on how to use the CSS Grid.


0. Grid Overview

Grid elements

Grid properties

Ensure browser grid support

Prevent IE (which uses an older Grid spec) from using CSS Grid by checking if a browser supports any of these new Grid spec properties:

1. Make the grid

1.1. Make an item a grid

1.2. Choose whether grid is explicit, implicit, or both

If you want:

  • A fixed amount of columns and rows — explicit grid
  • Automatically created columns or rows based on the amount of items — implicit grid
  • A fixed amount of columns and rows + automatically created columns or rows if there are more items than your explicit grid can contain (or when you place items outside your explicit grid) — explicit + implicit grid

1A. Create an explicit grid

1A.1 Track sizes: Simple units

fr, %, px, rem, em, vh, vw, vmin, vmax, none

  • fr takes a fraction of the available container’s free space
  • fr factors in gaps, % doesn’t — potentially causing container overflow
% can cause containers to be larger than screen width, fr won’t

1A.2 Track sizes: Content-based units

max-content, min-content

  • min-content: Size of item when wrapped
  • max-content: Size of item when unwrapped

1A.3 Track sizes: Flexible values

minmax(), auto, fit-content()

  • minmax() sets a minimum and maximum size for a track
  • auto acts like:
    (a) minmax(min-content, max-content) if used alongside fr.
    Max size == unwrapped content size
    (b) minmax(min-content, 1fr) otherwise. Max size == free space
  • In short, auto takes up space unless fr exists
auto in the presence & absence of fr tracks
  • fit-content(argument) acts like minmax(auto, the smaller of max-content or argument)
  • Remember: As auto acts differently in the presence of fr, so too will fit-content().
fit-content() in the presence & absence of fr tracks

1A.4 Repeated tracks

repeat(int|auto-fit|auto-fill, track-size)

  • Instead of grid-template-columns: 200px 400px 400px 400px, we can use grid-template-columns: 200px repeat(3, 400px)
  • To repeat tracks until the container is full, use auto-fit or auto-fill
  • The only difference between auto-fit and auto-fill occurs when:
    (A) Using repeat(auto-fit|auto-fill, minmax(_, _fr)) &&
    (B) The grid is wide enough to fit all items into a single row plus more
    auto-fit will spread out existing tracks;
    auto-fill will try to squeeze in empty tracks

1A.5 Labelling grid lines

  • You can name grid lines to make it easy to position items by referring to a line’s name
  • Note: Line names are currently not Sass-friendly, so don’t use them in sass/scss files just yet

1B. Create an implicit grid

  • Extra tracks are created for item overflow (excess items that don’t fit in your explicit grid, or if you didn’t make an explicit grid)

grid-auto-rows automatically creates rows when:
(A) item overflow + grid-auto-flow: row (default) OR
(B) you manually place an item on a row beyond the explicit grid

grid-auto-columns automatically creates columns when:
(A) item overflow + grid-auto-flow: column (see: 2A. Auto item placement below) OR
(B) you manually place an item on a column beyond the explicit grid

  • You can use all units available in the explicit grid, except repeat():

fr, %, px, rem, em, vh, vw, vmin, vmax, minmax(), auto, fit-content()

  • The sequence of track sizes set in grid-auto-rows and grid-auto-columns will be looped through until all necessary tracks are created.

1C. Create an explicit + implicit grid

You can use an explicit and implicit grid together:

2A. Auto-place items on the grid

  • grid-auto-flow: column auto-places items in grid by column (from top to bottom, then to the right column).
  • grid-auto-flow: row (the default) auto-places items in grid by row (from left to right, then to the row below).
  • order takes items out of their original order and places them in front or behind the rest of the items. Items have order: 0by default, so assigning an order <0 puts them in front, >0 puts them behind.

2B. Manually place items on the grid

2.1. Position item by cell name

  • You can place items in grid areas by name.

2.2 Position item by line

  • You can also position items by line number

3. Align grid elements



Stephen Koo
Stephen Koo

Front End Web Developer | React, Javascript, Sass/SCSS | Constant Learner | Picking up: Go, Elixir, VueJS | Classic Literature Nerd