Three lessons from Creativity: A Short and Cheerful Guide by John Cleese

Steph Clarke
Steph’s Business Bookshelf


Hi I’m Steph, and each week I share the three big ideas from the best non-fiction books I’ve been reading. This week, it’s Creativity: A Short and Cheerful Guide by John Cleese. You can also listen to me talk about this book on my podcast Steph’s Business Bookshelf.

About the book

We can all be more creative. John Cleese shows us how.

Creativity is usually regarded as a mysterious, rare gift that only a few possess. John Cleese begs to differ, and in this short, immensely practical and often very amusing guide he shows it’s a skill that anyone can acquire. Drawing on his lifelong experience as a writer, he shares his insights into the nature of the creative process, and offers advice on how to get your own inventive juices flowing.

Not only does he explain the way your mind works as you search for inspiration, he also shows that, regardless of the task you’ve set yourself, you can learn to be better at coming up with a promising idea, refining it and knowing when you’re ready to act on it.

We can all unlock new reserves of creativity within ourselves. John Cleese shows us how.


About the author



Steph Clarke
Steph’s Business Bookshelf

| Facilitator 👩🏻‍🏫 | Designer 👩🏻‍💻 | Podcast host @ Steph’s Business Bookshelf 🎙| Mostly found talking about books, productivity, life, travel and work |