Best Premade Canva Templates for Facebook Ads

Whether you have a free or paid subscription.

Linzi Martin
Lightning Growth
5 min readFeb 18, 2021


Your Facebook ads should be well-designed. If images can boost your conversions, just imagine how much a quality visual can send those key performance indicators through the roof.

All things considered, the design process doesn’t have to be complicated. I’m a huge fan of Canva, and their templates make ad production simple — whether or not you’re a graphic designer.

PRO TIP: Facebook ads are not the same size as Facebook posts. The recommended size is 1200x628 pixels for:

  • Single images,
  • Instant articles
  • Marketplace images
  • Audience network ads
  • Messenger ads
  • Canvas ads

Single videos must work within a 4GB file size maximum. The recommended image size for carousels is 1080x1080 pixels. Collection ads should be no smaller than 400x150 pixels. Slideshow images prefer 1280x720 pixels.

You can adjust these templates to your preferred format sizing recommendations individually.

The best premade Canva templates for Facebook ads: Free

Facebook ads have a lot in common, like dimension and layout and placement within the news feed. But that space within the image frame is yours to do as you please, and you can make it as unique as possible. The amazing part is that you can do so even while using a predetermined template on Canva.

Here are some of the best free premade Canva templates suited for Facebook posts and ads specifically:

Brown Vintage Photo Collage Facebook Post/Ad

I like this template because it makes space for multiple images, which could maximize your Facebook ad’s reach. Find it here.

Modern Photo Events and Education Facebook Post/Ad

This one is great for advertising events (even virtual ones!) as well as webinars. Find it here.

Purple and Yellow Woman Icons/Illustration Safety Culture Facebook Post/Ad

Brick and mortar businesses can benefit from an informational template like this one to help communicate changing rules and regulations.

Blue and Black Breaking News Facebook Post/Ad

This is newsworthiness in a nutshell. It would also be useful to share stats from recent industry studies that you or some other business performed. Find it here.

Photo Simple Minimal Great Outdoors Facebook Post/Ad

You can’t tell from this screenshot, but the background image actually moves! Atop the hero visual is a bold, concise statement that’s sure to grab attention in a cluttered newsfeed. Find it here.

The best premade Canva templates for Facebook ads: Paid

If you pump out a lot of advertising to help your company generate brand awareness and revenue, then it may be worth your while to sign up for Canva’s premium subscription options. There are two paid tiers: Pro and Enterprise.

Canva Pro costs $119.40 annually and is good for up to five team members. Small businesses with quaint design crews can get away with this, and it’s a totally doable price. Meanwhile, Canva Enterprise costs $30 per month per team member, which means your annual rate depends on the size of your operation. Businesses who need more than five folks on a Canva account choose this option.

Here are some of the best paid pre-made Canva templates designed with Facebook ads in mind:

Red Hearts Valentine’s Day Facebook Post/Ad

This ad template looks super professional, which is precisely why it’s premium-level stuff. You can likely tailor it to numerous upcoming Hallmark holidays. Find it here.

Red and Black Quotes Instagram Post/Ad

Customize the image on the left with that of a user, investor or team member. Use the right side as a space for testimonials, anecdotes or updates. Find it here.

Pink and Slate Grey Photo Beauty Influencer Minimalism Facebook Post/Ad

Create an entire campaign from this one Canva template set. The aesthetic and coloring can be tailored slightly to better adhere to your brand’s unique flavor. Find it here.

Blue and Green Children’s Art Class Facebook Post/Ad

Some brands have their eyes peeled for younger or family-oriented consumers. That’s why a template like this is so important. Not everyone is after that minimalist, contemporary or mature design. Instead, this delivers something fresh and curious. Find it here.

Yellow Bright Explainer Video Facebook Post/Ad

This collection of moving images combined with static color blocking is an effective template for a range of businesses. And it rounds out our list of the best premade Canva templates for Facebook ads. Find it here.

So you know the best premade Canva templates for Facebook ads. What now?

Once you’ve mastered the art of template manipulation, you’re ready to save your design and publish it.

Of course, you’ll need to adjust your image to Facebook’s preferred dimensions (which I’ve listed above, for your reference). Additionally, you may want to make multiple versions of the image — with one reserved for the landing page or content and a slightly different variant for the ad itself.

