Embrace The Real You

You are a real person. You are not really good at everything.

J Cleveland Payne
Steps To Your Better You


By Fares Hamouche on Unsplash

To get a better-balanced look at yourself, you’ll need to learn to see yourself for the good and the bad, individually and together.

Some of the more defining things about our personalities — the real ‘who’ in who we are as a whole — are the things that we cannot do very well. I argue that we are better defined by what we cannot accomplish with style and grace without assistance. Things we can’t do that make us look like we’re not as great as we believe we should be.

The things that don’t show us in a positive light often show us in the best light. Positive light is awesome because it allows you to put your best foot forward in your interactions.

But sometimes it’s best to show exactly where you aren’t so great, exactly where you should not be shining, and precisely what you should not be doing. Especially in contrast with things that you are great at doing.

The comparison of the things that you’re not so awesome at to things that you are more awesome makes those awesome things seem even more awesome. The contrast between the good and the bad makes you a well-rounded person so people can see that you’re not a perfect specimen.



J Cleveland Payne
Steps To Your Better You

Producer of content working to make sure more of it is ‘better.’ Sees more failure than success. Learns from both. Tries to maintain http://jclevelandpayne.net