Marek Sikora — Front-end developer

Magnus Olofsson
3 min readSep 8, 2022

Tell me more about your role within Stepstone!

I’m part of the team that is working on the candidate profile page. It is the editor where candidates can fill out and/or change their information. In this team, I am mainly a front-end developer but do some backend now and then as well.

Can you walk me through from the moment you wake up until you are at the office?

The time I get up can vary a lot depending on my schedule and if I will work from home or go to the office. But somewhere between 5 AM and 9 AM. I grab a cup of coffee and chill for a couple of minutes on my balcony. When I go to the office, I try to be ready to go before 6 AM which means I am at the office before 7 AM. This is because I want to avoid heavy traffic in the morning. So instead of 1,5 hours driving in heavy traffic, it takes me approximately 35 minutes if I leave around 6 AM. When I get to the office, I unpack my stuff at my desk and get a cup of coffee. Then I try to have a quick chat with my colleagues to get up to speed.

What is your favorite thing about being a developer?

There are a lot of things but one thing that really drives me and you can, perhaps, call it freedom. I think that any problems can, most likely, be solved using programming. I really like that.

What would be the one advice you would give yourself when you first became a developer?

Be bold and believe in yourself. Also, do not be afraid to ask for help. I was afraid in the early days to be seen as someone who did not know what he was doing. I wish I believed more in myself and asked other developers more questions.

What are your productivity hacks?

I want to be alone and not be disturbed as I am easily distracted. So, I prefer a dark place and some music in my headphones.

What is the best advice someone has given you?

Be grateful for what you have. The war in Ukraine is a good reminder. I sometimes, when I go to bed, just think how lucky I am to have a warm bed. It is good to have perspective on all things in life. I try to change my perspective when, you know, I am struggling with something.

What was the last thing you ate? A Sandwich

Windows Mac or Linux? Linux

Coffee soft drink or tea? Tea

Summer or winter? Both



Magnus Olofsson

Magnus is a person that loves to connect with people. If it is through technology, it is even better.