4 Ways Cloud Computing Can Save You Money

Radek Grębski
Published in
3 min readNov 15, 2019

Moving into the cloud has a lot of benefits for businesses across many industries. But no matter the company, you still have to manage your budgets and get the most out of it, in order to grow your product or service. Cloud is the way to use your resources more efficiently, increase productivity and save you money. Here’s how:

1. Reduced Software & Hardware Costs

When you decide to make the move into the cloud, there’s no need to hold onto your in-house infrastructure. You can lose all the hardware and licenced software, because it is now your cloud provider’s job to take care of it. Because the cloud is used by multiple companies, the provider will optimize the infrastructure and, as a result, your costs will be lower. An additional benefit will be saving up on power costs and space.

2. Less IT Employees Needed

Another area, where cloud will save you money, is your staff. The maintenance, upgrades, solving any issues — that’s your cloud provider’s job. This way, you don’t need to keep such a big IT team in-house. Even if you don’t plan on reducing your team’s size after moving into the cloud, it will save a lot of their time by taking mundane, maintenance tasks of their shoulders. And that’s just another way of saving your money. A great example of how much money you can save is Goldman Sachs — they reduced the amount of IT staff compensations by 50% since moving into the cloud.

3. Pay-As-You-Go

We are all familiar with how normal licensing and hosting works — you pay upfront, even if you don’t use all the features. With cloud, it’s different. You only pay for what you’ve used. It is possible, because cloud providers can optimize their databases and allocate resources according to a specific company’s needs. This way, you’re not only saving money on the unused capacity, but you also gain a great deal of flexibility — you can scale up and down as you need, without any problems.

4. Increased Productivity

Here’s a way to save money that many people might not notice — by increasing the productivity of your team, you will save money and time. Cloud services are generally faster than other software and they offer a great amount of features that will make your team’s work easier. When you’re using cloud, you can implement changes much faster and encourage continuous delivery. If you’ve already saved money by reducing the amount of people you need to hire, imagine how much more you can save when the in-house team is working more efficiently.

Cloud Is The Way To Go

The above are just 4 main ways moving into the cloud can save you money. But there’s much more! Because of the cloud’s centralized structure, when more people use it, the costs are lower for everyone. Additionally, providers usually offer discounts on their services (Google Cloud even promises to lower the costs as their cloud services get more advanced). Cloud will also save you money on drawbacks, because when something happens, the downtime is much shorter than with a traditional software or hardware provider. And above that, cloud will not only save you money, it will help you make money. When you start utilizing its power you will be able to improve your products or services and attract more customers.

If you want to know more about cloud computing and how it can improve your business — check out these articles. If you’re curious about how it can benefit your company — contact our team and we will be happy to help you!

