Why are customers from the Nordic countries one of the best in the world?

Krzysztof Szukieć
Published in
6 min readApr 11, 2021

Software development is usually associated with complex projects that require a high level of discipline and an open approach to new solutions. Stepwise customers come from many different places all over the world and all of them are unique, yet we definitely owe the most positive experiences to the Nordic countries. Why are customers from the Nordic countries one of the best in the world? What do Nordic companies do that their products are developing so dynamically?

Since its onset, Stepwise services have consciously been targetted at particular recipients. We have been looking for markets where companies display a high level of organisational culture and share the same values that we are guided by, where businesses pay attention to the reliable provision of electronic services, and where every person creates unique value. To this end we have focused on the Nordic countries. Companies from this region are very conscious of business and know the significance of the human factor. Their activities are based on trust and from the beginning of every venture they concentrate on achieving specific objectives.

Stepwise has created a work culture perfectly adjusted to the qualities of customers from the Nordic countries. We believe that every single company in the world can learn a lot from them. We would like to share with you our benchmark and the most important pillars that allow our Nordic partners to develop IT projects in such an efficient manner.

Why are Nordic companies perfect customers in IT projects?

Companies from such countries as Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland are characterised by many unique features. Similar to Stepwise, these businesses value honesty and a reliable approach to mutual obligations. We give our Nordic countries credit for clear rules of cooperation and their respectful attitude towards other people.

5 reasons why customers from the Nordic countries are one of the best in the world

1. Transparency

Stepwise always offers its customers fully transparent rules of cooperation and operation. This is why we like the openness of Nordic customers so much. Nordic entrepreneurs know what they want. Companies clearly present their vision of the digital products they want to receive. The Stepwise team equally respects their commitment in projects and their substantive knowledge. When asked about our possibilities, we clearly specify what we are able to deliver. Communication is clear and concise. Our Nordic partners’ expectations are clearly formulated, which is why Stepwise easily gives straight-to-the-point answers. This enables efficient movement from preliminary talks and negotiations to actions and the specific stages of IT projects.

2. Business requirements come first

Nordic customers usually turn to us with a well-thought-out and documented vision of their product. They often result from workshops and concrete decisions by management boards. Business analysis is validated and competition verified. Customers from the Nordic countries are characterised by extensive substantive knowledge and look for partners for software development who understand their needs and can optimally adjust the relevant technological solutions to their businesses. Stepwise highly appreciates this approach as we can focus 100% on what we are best at — software development.

3. High quality

Like many of our customers from other parts of the world, the Nordic countries require that the digital products they receive meet the high expectations of modern consumers. We know how to deliver top quality. We never skimp on production. We invest in employee development, which is why we are constantly developing. We ensure a comfortable work environment and conditions for a stable improvement of competencies. We guarantee an efficient exchange of information. We invest in the best equipment and proven working tools. Recruiting of developers in Poland enables reaching the largest pool of talent. Why do so, if there are so many places where software development is cheaper?

Experienced businesses know that employing a cheap developer for digital product development can in the end be much more expensive. This may sound paradoxical, but a lack of cheaper suppliers and correcting mistakes made by their developers can cost much more money in the long run than using the help of a slightly more expensive yet reliable software house at the beginning.

4. Not only coding skills

Entrepreneurs from the Nordic regions have very high expectations for themselves and their partners. Stepwise ensures the high level of code and of the entire software development process. The best project practices have taken root in our organisational culture and they are used by all our specialists. An IT project success is a result of the work of the developers, UX/UI designers, software architects, test automation specialists, and many others. A transparent project process allows Stepwise customers to take an active part in the development of their digital products. Cloud solutions help minimise on costs and ensure a relatively easy project scaling. Successful IT projects at Stepwise result from many best practices. The Agile scrum methodology plays a very important role. Owing to all these factors, we can clearly explain what an efficient development process is and how it should be carried out to deliver a top-quality digital product.

5. Human touch

A short management line and efficient exchange of information are key aspects in the dynamic development of every IT project. In the Nordic countries, each team member contributes equally to a project. For this reason, we take care that every person from our customer’s company can easily contact a selected member of the Stepwise team.

At our software house, every person is a business person. All of our employees actively participate in project development and are not afraid to show initiative when discussing various issues. Our IT specialists suggest solutions that combine technology and business, and are directly translated into the final product quality. Human touch means lasting trust-based relationships. The Stepwise culture perfectly matches the customs and preferences of Nordic companies as we share exactly the same values.

Why do Nordic companies choose Stepwise?

One interesting example of why conscious businesses choose Polish software houses can be found in the case of one of our customers. This company contacted us at the beginning of 2019. They needed a partner for software development in Poland. Although Stepwise seemed the smallest company at that time (ca. 12 people), after a series of discussions the management board took the decision to enter into cooperation with us. Why? Our values influenced this decision. When meeting our partners, we always use business language. During preliminary talks with the customer, we were transparent and we clearly explained what we were able to do (and what we were able to quickly learn). Our partners appreciated building trust-based relationships, suggestions of communication solutions, and clear information regarding team building. This approach resulted in a cooperation that has lasted for more than 2 years. We consequently support our customer in carrying out efficient IT projects, yet we also benefit a lot (e.g. we can develop our competencies within the DevOps culture in practice).

Two different companies from two different ends of Europe work as one efficient machine. In this way, we ensure a continuous project development and unlimited improvement of the competencies of both parties. At Stepwise we keep increasing our competencies to provide our partners with better and better technological services. We are striving to deliver optimum satisfaction to our business partners, the effects of which everyone can evaluate individually. The above described customer is very satisfied with the cooperation, which can be checked on Clutch.

If you are looking for a reliable partner, and your values are similar to ours, contact us. We will help you create or develop software that will allow you to gain a leadership position in the market, and will provide your employees, partners and customers with top quality.

