30 Very Good Reasons to Not Update Your Music Blog for More Than a Year

  1. No one reads it.
  2. Your friends might read it and silently judge your preferences in music.
  3. Your mom might read it and worry about you.
  4. Your coworkers might read it and think you’re irresponsible.
  5. Strangers might read it and harass you.
  6. Based on their tweet favoriting, it is *possible* that the artists you’ve written about read it, like, once. Which is terrifying and means you should disappear.
  7. No, but actually, no one reads it.
  8. SEO is really complicated now.
  9. Your reviews are too long.
  10. Your reviews are too short.
  11. One time, you had a draft post ready to go right after a magical summer show, but then it disappeared into a Wordpress void and you couldn’t re-create it.
  12. You hyperbolically call every show “magical.”
  13. You’re way past the acceptable deadline for publishing anything on your top albums of 2015.
  14. Your top albums of 2015 list is not diverse.
  15. Your top albums of 2015 list tries too conspicuously hard to be diverse.
  16. Your write-around treatment and non-ranking of what is most critics’ top album of 2015 is a blatant cop-out.
  17. Your actual top album of 2015 is by an artist you’ve liked since 2005.
  18. You just write about the same people over and over.
  19. You just write about hipster music.
  20. You have no idea what hipsters listen to anymore. Or what a hipster is anymore. Or what music is cool. Or if people say “cool.”
  21. The last time you tried to stay out late and finally meet a favorite artist, you got sick for nearly a month afterward.
  22. Your post-show iPhone notes rarely make sense the next morning.
  23. People might steal the concert photos you publish.
  24. The concert photos you post are laughably blurry.
  25. The one time you brought a real camera to a show specifically for blogging purposes, your memory card got corrupted.
  26. You should probably update your Wordpress theme.
  27. You should probably change your blog name.
  28. You should probably just move to a different platform.
  29. Just delete the whole thing.
  30. Blogs are dead, basically.

