and by enormous blog influence, I mean “all five followers”

and by enormous blog influence, I mean “all five followers”

This clicky link above involves music, in addition to a few of my other favorite things. If you’re worried that clicking a link to read an article on The Atlantic will make you pretentious, here’s what it’s all about:

You know Pomplamoose? The YouTube-famous duo with a misspelled French word as their name (what’d I say about pretentiousness?). They organized a book drive for some deserving California schools by offering their Christmas album to anyone who bought a book for the kids (via an Amazon wishlist). How can you say no to that?

So, the kids now got another copy of a Judy Blume classic, I’m enjoying Pomplamoose’s Christmas album (what do you mean, Christmas is over?), and you can do the same! I am using my enormous blog influence to tell everyone else that reading is very, very important, and you should send a book to these students, too. And the article mentions — wait for it — print journalism! My other favorite, despite my Tumblr-ing.

Next, Pomplamoose is probably going to convince me to buy a Hyundai Sonata. #notevenkidding

