clause: triggered

Where we left off, I’d set the summer concert schedule (quality over quantity!) and left the door just slightly open for one particular addition.

A Wallflowers show would be added if it

  • wasn’t a festival
  • was happening nearby
  • was reasonably priced
  • was not happening on a day that would wreak havoc to my job

Keep in mind that for several years, everyone had assumed this band was permanently broken up. We have not seen them with their core lineup since 2005.

I got word that the band would be playing July 24 at Bowery Ballroom. Small, close venue for $25. Perfect, except that it’s on the eve of the busiest day of the busiest week of the year at work. (Not hyperbole.) Murmurings of “selfish” floated around the workplace when I tested the waters by casually mentioning the date and the event that I *just might* be attending.

After a few minutes of pondering, we got our two tickets, anyway. Then this happened:

Who saw that one coming? Not me. I know 90s nostalgia is a thing right now, but a sellout? That fast? Good for them. I’m curious about who will be in the audience. The ol’ diehards from the messageboard days? People my age who are reliving their childhood/teenage years? Li’l New York hipsters? Middle-aged moms with heart-decorated signs for Jakob?

Still have no idea how or whether I’ll be able to make this work.

