hey, where’s the top 10 list?

Not done, that’s where. As if you needed more evidence that I am not a Legit Music Critic and could never be one, my issue this year — more so than in past years, even — is that I latched onto a few favorite albums and listened to them over and over and over, instead of giving some even one full listen. I know, it’s shameful.

So, I feel like I can’t fairly judge all 30 and list a top 10 when I haven’t given some of them proper attention. The top four are easy; it’s the ones I popped in the car on nearly every commute, and they sounded fabulous even when being played through the horrifically tinny speakers of a little old Honda Civic (and yes, it can only play CDs — no auxiliary cable to hook up an iPod).

Maybe there’s time for speed listening before the year ends. I just want to give everyone a fair chance, ya know?

In related confession news, I must note, in the interest of full disclosure, that I also purchased Mariah Carey’s Merry Christmas II You. I don’t think it’ll make the top 10.

