more on this later [click me]

more on this later [click me]

This is why I decided two days to leave eMusic after almost five years as a subscriber. That was the day they emailed their “indie music fans” two days before these labels were pulled, telling us to stock up and urging us to buy extra download credits.

It’s not a “you have music by Big Evil Mainstream Artists Now” indie-snobbery issue. I’ll come back to this one and elaborate.

So, let’s recap. This year in the world of my favorite tools for exploring new music and enjoying what I own:

— shut down

— Paste magazine shut down

— eMusic sold out/jumped the shark/became a shell of its former self/[insert choice cliché here]

At least there were a lot of great shows and insta-classic new albums. More on those later, too, most definitely.

