solid sound, part 2: photos

[caption id=”attachment_4115219661" align=”aligncenter” width=”490" caption=”my (unused) Wilco photo pass”]


Story time: Because of the weather, the only day I brought my camera was Sunday. (This means there are only phone pics of Wilco, sadly.) It turns out that if you walk around with a big DSLR camera around your neck, people tend to think you’re from the press and just let you on through to hang out near the front. I had no idea, because this was actually the first time ever that I’d been “brave” enough to take my extremely babied DSLR camera out to a concert.

Just before the Levon Helm show, some guy from the big crowd of Dudes With Cameras I was standing with turned to me:
“What paper do you write for?”
“Uhhh. None. I just… like taking pictures.”
“Here. Take this.”
“So, wait, I…”
“Just follow the guys with the telephoto lenses.” He nodded, smiled, and was off. And I had Wilco photo pass in my hand.

The snag was, when security opened up the big metal gate in front of us and the guys with telephoto lenses sauntered on it, I wound up being too afraid to follow them. I know. I suddenly had a fear that security or someone would ask me what press outlet I was from and I’d blurt out the name of my very non-music-related real one. And then, of course, with my luck, I’d be kicked out, forced to surrender my photos, or just embarrassed. None of which were desirable.

So, instead, I have a really cool souvenir.

A few more festival photos (out of 163!). I hope posting some non-music ones won’t violate the topical confines of this blog too much.

[caption id=”attachment_4115219642" align=”aligncenter” width=”490" caption=”listening to Pillow Wand from inside the museum”]


This photo makes it look like it was actually sunny. This was not the case. And I have no idea who that dude is, but he wound up fitting in nicely in the shot.

[caption id=”attachment_4115219636" align=”aligncenter” width=”490" caption=”Oh hey, it’s Jeff Tweedy with a falcon that landed on his hand.”]


Falconry is inherently cool. Falconry involving members of Wilco is just a bonus. I also loved how silent the whole crowd was during the whole thing. Not sure if we were trying to avoid scaring away the falcon or making a scene about how Jeff was just RIGHT THERE in front of us.

[caption id=”attachment_4115219620" align=”aligncenter” width=”490" caption=”The aforementioned Disneyland-style letters.”]


[caption id=”attachment_4115219628" align=”aligncenter” width=”490" caption=”Pronto performance.”]


This is Pronto. I’ll pretend the photo is supposed to be blurry, because it actually kind of fits their sound.

[caption id=”attachment_4115219650" align=”aligncenter” width=”490" caption=”Sol DeWitt exhibit.”]


[caption id=”attachment_4115219629" align=”aligncenter” width=”490" caption=”I agree.”]


[caption id=”attachment_4115219639" align=”aligncenter” width=”490" caption=”Katharina Grosse exhibit”]


[caption id=”attachment_411521" align=”aligncenter” width=”490" caption=”another souvenir”]


This guy came from a box marked “Free To A Good Home” that I passed on my way out. He originally had a second eye that disappeared somewhere between there and home.

[caption id=”attachment_4115219613" align=”aligncenter” width=”490" caption=”Also somewhat Disneyland-ish. And another photo you just have to take.”]


[caption id=”attachment_4115219640" align=”aligncenter” width=”490" caption=”bird’s eye view of one the stages”]


[caption id=”attachment_411521" align=”aligncenter” width=”490" caption=”from inside”]


The museum buildings (former factory buildings) made for an incredible setting.

[caption id=”attachment_4115219659" align=”aligncenter” width=”490" caption=”What I came home just in time for, after a three-hour drive.”]


Also file under incredible settings: This is the reason I couldn’t be too disappointed about missing the very end of the festival.

