summer concert season

Spring is an exciting time. Summer shows are announced, the days are longer, snow no longer looms as a travel threat, and it’s easier to slip slightly into summer-vacation mode, even when there’s no actual summer vacation. In other words, CONCERTS YAY.

This year, I even have the Songkick app, which (sometimes) provides immediate alerts when someone it’s tracking announces a show in my area. It doesn’t quite work right all the time, and not storing music in my phone means I have manually update the tracked-artist list. But it’s still nifty to have, even to just tap the “Your Plans” tab for a little dose of happy anticipation.

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This’ll be my first time seeing Dawes, who went from “hmm, this album is kinda rootsy and cool” to “best newly stumbled-upon band I’ve discovered in a while” in the last few months as I spun (literally, on CD, guys!) Nothing Is Wrong in the car over and over and explored North Hills on Spotify.

The venue where they’re playing, Infinity Hall (aka The Middle Of Nowhere), is also one of my favorites. It’s small and acoustically lovely and staffed with friendly people. Apparently this show is being taped for public television special, too.

And Wilco again in August. I had to. Until the Wallflowers release their new album and hit the road again (more on that later), Wilco will hold the title of Favorite Actual Full Band That Is Currently Together And Making Music And Stuff. I still think about how incredible last summer’s performances were and, in the meantime, have delved a bit deeper into more of their studio albums, which I’m sure will make the next show even better.

Yes, the schedule is on the sparse side this summer. I unfortunately — or fortunately — discovered the magic of that little personal finance tool last week, which immediately shamed me into never ever* buying concert tickets again. Hello, concert freeze.

Just like last year, the budget shattering is all Wilco’s fault (worth it, to be sure), and just like last year, the concert freeze will include a tiny clause. Last year, it was the Neil Young Clause (which wound up being triggered).

This year, we’ll need a Wallflowers Clause, because, if you haven’t heard, my favorite li’l 90s relic boys are back together, finishing an album that’s scheduled to be released in September, and hitting the road. If they do a show that is close by, reasonably priced, and on a night that wouldn’t provoke too much work-related angst, I will go. Festival shows, which seem to be the only type they’ve announced so far for the summer, will probably not make the cut. Sorry, Jakob. I’m old now.

*Until Labor Day, I guess.

