Top 12 Albums of 2014: Willie Nelson — Band of Brothers

One of the NPR hosts made the important point during the group’s year-end discussion that once an artist has developed a history and reaches a certain status, it’s significantly more difficult to release something that gets widespread attention and acclaim. Even if the album is excellent, it might not stand out unless it’s wildly different from everything that came before it.

And this one more in an expansive catalogue of country albums by Willie Nelson. It doesn’t dive into a new genre; in fact, many of the lyrics wryly remind us that he’s done this before. But while he’s been down this road (of songwriting, of touring, of life) many times, he’s ready and eager to keep doing it again. Especially the “women” and “having fun” aspects.

He’s critical of some of the ways of the music industry (“It’s Hard to Be an Outlaw” is a great takedown of the modern, popular fakers of the country-music world) and the world, and he’s still a little defiant, but seemingly at peace. As he repeats in the opening track, “bring it on.”

The first time I saw Willie Nelson, in August 2004, was from the front row when he opened for Bob Dylan. Sure, anyone’s stage persona probably seems accessible and friendly in comparison to Bob Dylan’s (love you, Bob), but good ol’ Willie’s constant smiling and winking was such a sweet contrast.

I picture this entire album delivered with that warm smile and winking. “We’re heroes, we’re schemers, we’re drunks and we’re dreamers,” he proudly sings on “Songwriters.” And he still loves it. By the way, his voice also still sounds strikingly good, at 81. Not another cheap shot at poor Mr. Dylan, really.

Note 1: This Top 12 list is not ranked. It’s generally a good idea to have 2014 coverage be published in 2014. Before Christmas, even. If I had to rank these, we wouldn’t be done until next August.

Note 2: More on the “Put Your Money Where Your Typing Is” selection methodology here. Short version: These are the 12 albums I bought on CD/vinyl/both this year.

