Evil, but my Experience

The History that keeps Reoccurring

Sienion Dozier
Sterling College
3 min readOct 8, 2020


Photo by Peter Forster (Unsplash)

I agree with Miller. He states, “ Sometimes I think, you know, if there were not cops, I would be fine, and I probably would. I was taught right from wrong when I was a kid. But the truth is, I drive completely different when there is a cop behind me than when there isn’t.” Which is something that I can vouch for. I really wouldn’t care if there were cops or not. I don’t fear them, but I also don’t ignore them either because I know what can happen. He goes on to say, “…the American system is checks and balances. Nobody gets all the power. Everybody is watching everybody else. It is as if the founding fathers knew, intrinsically, that the soul of a man, unwatched, is perverse.” Miller’s argument is that we have to be told right from wrong. We are not born already knowing right from wrong, and that very concept makes it unnatural or even alien. Since it is not already embedded into us, we have to learn, either from our parents or from someone else. Miller says, “ in my mind, that’s a flaw in the human condition.” I can see where Miller comes from; its messed up that every human has to learn what is right and wrong. Its messed up because some people will be taught wrong is right and right is wrong. But in a fallen world that we live in, that is the risk that you have to take.

I realize that the world is broken. I knew that because of our history, in the history books there is constant realization of how evil the world and its people too. To give a couple of examples the holocaust, slavery, the founding of America, etc. These are all great examples of how the world is broken. Evil has always been throughout history though. Going back to the beginning of the Bible days, when Adam and Eve was thrown out of the Garden of Eden for sinning against God and grasping into the evil of the serpent that Satan had attained. If Eve had not of gave in into Satan’s evil and conniving ways and then try to betray God, then the world would be sin free and everyone would be living happy. But where is the fun in that; everyone would have been the exact same. There would have been any drama or anything of that nature so I’m kind of glad and kind of not at the same time. We can even see where the present day is showing signs of evil. Recently, the racial inequalities in America have been put on spotlight due to certain incidences that caught America’s attention. For example, George Floyd was murdered by the police when he was already in handcuffs. There was no reason to ignore everything around you and kill someone like that. Another example is Jacob Blake. He was shot 8 times and he didn’t even have a weapon on him. An unarmed man cant hurt someone who is armed and trained how to kill, so if that’s the case why do we keep hearing cases of unarmed black people being shot. That is the crazy things in life that I will probably never understand.

The first time I realized that the world was broken was when I first learned about slavery and how for a long time it was okay to have slaves. That moment, when I was taught about how people that looked like me where enslaved and nobody did anything about it at first and just kept moving like this is what God wanted, was when I knew that this world was broken. The one thing I did not know, was that it was still broken and that I was living in it.

