Following Faceless Faith

Marcus Ransom
Sterling College
Published in
2 min readOct 12, 2020

Path to blissful belief

Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash

After reading this chapter I got a better understanding as to why people have the faiths and beliefs that they have. I relate well with Laura because i find it hard to believe god with no rational explanation. However, Miller makes the point on how everything true doesn’t have to be rational. Love is what he refers to and i started to get a better understanding as to why people believe in God so heavily. Then when he shifts to the explanation of penguin sex then i finally connected everything. He explains that penguins have a type of “radar” in them that tells them to do all these things; they make no sense however the penguins do it anyway and that’s how they reproduce and survive. That same “radar” is what Miller describes as what drives people in their faith, God makes no sense yet something within them tells them to follow his teachings and spirit. This is why the subtitle is penguin sex because the way they live life and reproduce is similar to the way Christians find faith in the lord. Miller says it’s something you have to feel, and after reading the chapter I can agree with that — -that’s probably why i struggle myself to believe in God. I feel as though maybe he hasn’t come calling for me yet. I’m hoping here at Sterling I’ll be able to find my path in either evolution or faith. Maybe coming here was the calling I’ve been waiting on; this is his way of guiding me into his presence and faith. I remember a time this passed summer having particular conversation about God with my friend Frida.

“I’ll make sure to pray for you” I said jokingly to her about her struggles with homework.

“I don’t believe in God, so that won’t help” she responded.

“So you don’t believe in him at all”

“Well I do, but I feel like the Bible just doesn’t make sense”

“I completely agree with you on that” I added, “I feel some of the things in the Bible contradict the teachings of the lord on love and peace.”

“Yea it makes it hard to really believe in him”

“I get you on that; I sometimes feels myself losing faith cause in doesn’t make sense” I said, and that’s when the conversation went on somewhere else. This conversation is somewhat similar to Miller and Laura’s on the struggles in believing, but after reading this chapter my mind has taken on another perspective and more optimistic on this journey im about to go on in college.

