Love: happiness within itself

Loving someone so much, you are excited to go home and see them.

Aiyana Campos
Sterling College
4 min readSep 27, 2021


by Nathan Dumlao (Unsplash)

My Step-mom once told me that “Love is when you can’t go a day without thinking about someone or missing someone. You get excited to hear from them, see them you wait for their texts or calls. Wait for the one guy you enjoy the most and do rush into any relationships” She has been married to my dad for 11 years and she told me this when I was about to leave for college.

“How do you know if he’s the right one and if you enjoy him?” I asked

“You know when he’s the right one. If you really like him and if he likes you, he will let you live out your life and dreams. He won’t try to stop you and he will wait if he’s the right one.”

After she said that I understood what she meant. It really helped me understand what she meant after she explained it to me. It stood in my head and is still in my head because it made me think about the past and how I could fix my past mistakes and not make them again.

CS Lewis says at the end of the chapter “I want desperately for you to be my friend.” Love is not only being a wife and husband but also being a friend to one another. It is cherishing the type of friend you have for each other and working with each other like a friendship. Love isn’t just a friendship it is a relationship, loving one another and always relying on each other is a huge thing in relationships. Lewis goes on to say, “God risked Himself on me. I will risk myself on you.” He is saying that God chanced himself for him and he will change himself to be with this girl. He wants to change it to be with someone that cares and loves him unconditionally. The reason he will change his life for her is that he wants to come home to her every day and be the one, he talks to when he feels sad. He also would change his life for her because he loves her and wants to spend the rest of his life with her even if that means that he needs to change his life he will. He wants to make a family with this girl even if it means he must change it.

If you love someone you will risk being with them and risk everything you have for them to be happy. Even through tough times, you have to put your wife and family a priority because they rely on you and making sure they are all okay. The reason people really cherish your wife or husband is that you love them, and you can’t see your life without them.

My stepmom said that love is when you can't go a day without the person. I definitely agree because if you love that person you are going to always want to see them no matter if you are upset, happy, or angry. They are the ones you are supposed to want to go to for anything you need help with. Love is outstanding once you find the right person and figure out how to be in a relationship. Once you find the right person, you never want to leave them. You never want to go out of state without them, always want to have dinner with them, and never leave their side cause that one person is who you always want to be around. You always want to wake up and go to bed next to them. I have never personally been in love but when I see my parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles with their significant others I can see how much they love and cherish them.

My grandparents have been married for 50 years and to this day they always want to be with each other. They go to church, dances, family parties with each other no matter if one of them doesn’t want to go. You can tell that they love each other by the way they are always smiling, laughing, and around each other. They have their up and downs but if you love someone you find a way to make up and move on, that is what my grandparents do.

My parents love going home to each other and sitting at the table eating dinner with my brother every night of the week. Sometimes love fades but if it does, you always have that person in the back of your mind because you both loved each other and never forget how you guys treated one another. Love is a very good thing, but you have to put effort and truly love the person to be with them for the rest of your life.

