Simple, Easy Love

The Love that lasts.

Obrien Hall
Sterling College
3 min readOct 3, 2021


Photo By Eugeniya Belova (Unsplash)

I love Love. I have always heard about it growing up and seeing it in movies and hearing it in songs just made me want it more. In the words of my roommate, “Love should be easy”, and I agree it should come naturally that love should be simple yet so impactful in your life. I believe love should be second nature, that whoever you love, no matter how many fights or disagreements you can always know that the love is there.

My mom would always trick me by calling me to tell me something really important and would only say “I love you.” I would laugh and act annoyed but it was simple things like that saying that made me fall in love with Love. Simple, easy Love means you should be comfortable with your person. That you never get tired, even after spending a whole day with them you can still turn around and spend even more time. Love doesn’t even need to be romantic, platonic love for friends and family can be this too. To have a never-ending love for your friend you have known since birth or to be able to go get ice cream with your sister after having a fistfight moments later. That is easy Love, to be comfortable, to be simple.

Recognizing Love in everyday life can be difficult. There is the obvious Love that we see whether it be our parents who have loved each other for years or the young love between a boy and a girl, fresh into college and just learning how to do things. This is the Love that is easy to see but there is also easy Love that is a little different. There is easy Love that can be felt between siblings or friends. This easy Love never requires anything out of it. It should be simple and easy.

Donald Miller’s book, Blue Like Jazz, talks about how wanting to “marry a girl whom [he feels] completely comfortable with, comfortable being [himself],” (142). He also describes love as almost being “Alone”, to be able to feel as though no one else is there even when there is. Feeling as though you are alone does not necessarily mean something bad. It allows you to be able to spend so much time together, that just the presence of the other person is enough to make you feel whole.

In 1st Corinthians 13, it discusses Love and how it is “Patient and kind,” that it does not, “insist on its way” (1 Cor. 13). This is another example of how Love should be easy, that it will find its way, and shouldn’t be forced. Love is a powerful thing that will come when it is needed. Even C.S. Lewis said it best when he wrote, “Love is not affectionate feeling, but a steady wish for the loved person’s ultimate good as far as it can be obtained”. While Love can be easy in loving each other it is ultimately the love that you feel for the other that is seen by others. With every song that I hear or movie that I watch I don’t recognize the love by hearing the words “I love you” in it but rather the hidden love that is felt. It is the little things, the moments between two people that require no words or anything intense that really show the simpleness and easiness of Love.

Love is Love. There should never be any rules to follow and there shouldn’t be any stress in it either. It should be simple and easy. Taylor Swift wrote it best in a song about her new boyfriend of five years when she sang, “I don’t wanna look at anything else now that I saw you, I don’t wanna think of anything else now that I thought of you,”. She perfectly describes the feeling of simple, easy Love. To be so enwrapped in someone that nothing else could matter but them. I aspire to find this Love one day and the fact that Taylor Swift can put it into words is a blessing. Finding this Love may be difficult but there are so many people out there that can vouch that it is worth the wait. That everything that is written in songs, books, plays, and movies is real and it can be found. And it will be simple and easy.

