The fall of lucifer

through three artists eyes

Kayla Claussen
Sterling College
Oct 30, 2020


“The Fall of Lucifer,” by Gustave Dore, an engraving he made for “Paradise Lost.”

Dore chipping denial into stone just as the angle clings
To the last bits of his banished home
As he warped ideals warp his form
And Dore caves with pained fingers
Akin to a pained angels face

painted by Alexandre Cabanel, painting, angel, fallen angel

Hurtful banishment, hot tears, and revenge
Mixed in to the eyes of the once great angel
As Cabanel mixes his paints and creates
A new type of fallen grace
A simple youth plotting vengeance
Alexandre brushing the storm
In wings and
resentful eyes

Painting by VermilionTears

Dropping from bright heavens
Down into the chaotic earth
Vermilion surrounding clouds of black
In foreboding warning
Of a new darkness descending

