I’m Back Baby

Sterling Cobb
Two Minutes of Insanity
2 min readJun 6, 2017

thought 103

So as some of you might have noticed, I was taking a break from writing. I’m now back :)

I actually fell apart in the last few weeks so writing again is really good for me. I’ve spent some time soul searching and reflecting on the last year and a half of my life.

Since I haven’t updated in a while, I’ll let you know, I won’t be working at Apple or Facebook. I’m actually looking at a few other companies here in SLC, UT that I think have a good chance of growing. One of those companies is called Storj. It’s a distributed online storage service based on Ethereum, the hip new blockchain technology blowing up right now. It’s really neat and I think they will give Amazon a run for their money if they execute right.

I’ve also been spending a lot of time thinking about the people I surround myself with and my social relationships. I watched a Ted Talk recently that talked about a 75 year Harvard study. In this study, the researchers followed the lives of over 700 males. The study is still continued today and is considered the longest study every conducted on human behavior.

One of the conclusions researchers at Harvard made was that humans tended to have happier, healthier, longer lives when they had solid happy relationships. In fact, this was the key indicator they were able to use to predict where someone would be at when they turned 80 years old.

This got me thinking. Am I spending the time needed to cultivate quality relationships in my life?

As I’ve been doing this, I’ve noticed push back from people who expect me to stay constant. But as an ever evolving human, my views change as I realize who I really am.

stay tuned.

