Jeepneys, Tricycles and the Philippines.

Sterling Cobb
Two Minutes of Insanity
2 min readJan 30, 2017

thought 3

Transportation in the Philippines is a little different than you might expect. Actually, I didn’t really know what to expect when I first arrived. Certainly not jeepneys and tricycles.

Meet the tricycle. It’s essentially a pimped out motorcycle with a side car. Not bad kuya, looking good.

One of these bad boys will cost you about a third the price of a taxi and get you there almost as fast. I’ve seen people piled high on one of these rigs, safety is for the birds.

Then there is a jeepney. What’s a jeepney you might ask? It’s basically what would happen if a bus and a jeep had a Mexican love child, catholic cross included. Yes, it’s the standard commuters choice to get nearly anywhere here and can cost you as little as 5 pesos, that’s ten cents, for a ride.

I recently got a chance to ride both of these sweet vehicles in my excursion to Mabini, Anilao, basically the coolest place to go diving in the world. It wasn’t bad but I wouldn’t recommend it for anyone over about 60. It’s a bit bumpy but the ride is tramendious. About 90 cents for an hour drive isn’t bad however.

So why these crazy vehicles? When’ll nearly anywhere in the Philippines has a really bad traffic problem, partially do to how cars get financed, so people look to alternative, cheaper and not flexible means to getting around. This they exist. Also, government transportation systems aren’t the best yet. Still waiting in that one.

those are my thoughts. stay tuned.


