Zoolander was right. Here is the secret to life.

Sterling Cobb
Two Minutes of Insanity
2 min readJan 29, 2017

thought 2

You’ve probably heard this said in a Kung foo movie from an old bearded man with a very serious looking face saying something like

The path to enlightenment is to know yourself young warrior

Sounds pretty epic to me, but how important is knowing yourself really? Actually, it’s everything, like EVERYTHING. Why? We’ll think about it in these terms. Imagine you have an equation that represents the key to life; thank you math.

f(x) = y

It’s a pretty simple equation. If X represents the contributions we can make ie: you are ridiculously good looking; and Y represents the outcome you want or literally the why you are doing something ie: So people will take glamorous photos of me and then I’ll find my soul mate; then f(x) just represents some type of work to be done. Simple right? Well not so faster buster, because most of the time we focus on the f(x) and forget two of the essential parts, our contribution, the X and why the hell we are actually doing what we are doing, the Y. Both of which, we won’t have a clue about unless we know who we are. Simple but very tough questions for many people.

So again, how important is knowing yourself? Very, it’s usually the missing piece to unleashing someone’s unlimited potential, thank you Anthony Robbins…

Well great, but I don’t know the answers to those questions

We’ll you’re not alone, but keep in mind those variables are constantly changing. It’s a dynamic equation but luckily there are a few really fun ways to stay ahead of the curve! At least for me, that is.


I recommend https://www.headspace.com/

Slowing down every day and listening to your inner voice with simple breathing techniques will help you stay stress-free, make better choices and ultimately know who you are; mind, body, and soul.


Go out and do some shit. Or read something. Or put yourself in an awkward social setting that pushes your limits. Steven Covey talks about how growth only happens when we are truly stretched beyond our norm. Truth.


I think we forget to play. It helps us discover and learn in an environment where we can ask unlimited questions. It helps us understand rules in a social and non-social context. It’s one of the best ways’s to know yourself, who you are and what you like. See, playing XBox is healthy!

Ultimately, I believe if you know yourself, you’ll figure out the f(x) of your life because then it’s just about trying experimenting. You’ll get there eventually as long as you know the X and Y.

and now you know. stay tuned.

