Free Download: Remote Working Playbook

Steve Glaveski
Steve Glaveski
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1 min readApr 14, 2020

Hi All

I hope you’re keeping safe and well during these strange times.

If you’ve been following my work, you’ll know that I’ve been on a bit of a creative frenzy lately, publishing over 25 blog posts, 5 podcast episodes, putting together an online conference and now publishing 2 ebooks.

The latest of those ebooks is my Remote Working Playbook: A Guide for Newly Remote Working Individuals and Teams.

If it is of interest, you can download it from

In other news, my online conference, OnCon is bringing together some of the biggest names in business, psychology and wellness to help us better navigate uncertainty with two days of talks and AMAs for just US$50, but if you use promo code ONCON30 you can get 30% off.

25% of proceeds will also go to COVID19 relief efforts.

That’s about it from me — I hope you stay healthy and sane.


Steve Glaveski |



Steve Glaveski
Steve Glaveski

CEO of Collective Campus. HBR writer. Author of Time Rich, and Employee to Entrepreneur. Host of Future Squared podcast. Occasional surfer.