Leadbeater’s Way

Steven Bannister
On Writing & Writers
4 min readSep 1, 2014


A series of high-action thrillers has captured the imagination of readers around the world. Independent U.K. author David Leadbeater’s rapid-fire Matt Drake novels have readers crying out for more.

I caught-up with David and discovered that loving what you write might just be the key to readers… loving what you write!

What led you/inspired you to write high-action adventure stories?
I have always loved the concept of the action hero adventure and when the opportunity arose couldn’t wait to flesh out a story and get started. It’s not just the writing, it’s living the adventure with the characters you create. It’s putting them, and yourself, in dire inescapable danger and then finding a way out. I also love the camaraderie and escapism that comes with building a diverse team around the action-hero concept and I usually can’t wait to get back to my computer to see what’s in store for us that day.

Who are your literary heroes?
My favourite characters are Elivs Cole and Joe Pike from the Robert Crais novels. Love the action, the humour and the characters within that series. It’s the only series that I buy immediately on release these days along with any James Rollins.

Tell me about Matt Drake and his team
Drake is an ex-SAS officer feeling his way back into the world when all hell breaks loose in his home town. He is catapulted into a wild adventure that spans the continents and, as the adventures keep coming one after another, collects around him arguably the best special forces team in the world today. Made up of highly-capable, tough, crazy men and women who bond through adversity, comradeship and lighter moments of humour, they set out to fight the worst of the worst using all the considerable skills at their disposal.

What kind of responses are you getting from fans?
The response so far has been phenomenal. I receive approximately ten e-mails every day and more when there’s a new release from readers and fans who absolutely love the series, want me to write even faster, and give me great feedback, positive and critical. Many times in the past these e-mails are a major part of why this series kept going and now they only fuel the desire to continue. I couldn’t ask for a better set of fans.

Has writing in ‘series’ been a positive thing?
For me it has been the best literary decision I ever made. I’ve taken Drake and his pals way past the limits I originally imagined and continue to do so. As I mentioned, my readers only want more. It is tricky to make each succeeding book ‘better’, but I believe it’s all a question of keeping it fresh, moving on, and looking for that next challenge. With a series, if you let it stagnate, it dies.

What’s coming-up for you?
Next up, on September 3rd, I have Chosen 2 — Guardians — being released; an event I am so pleased with. It’s taken about 8 years to publish this sequel and hundreds of readers have bombarded me with messages asking for it to be written and released. Then it’s the new Drake spin-off, Alicia Myles 1, in December. After that I start Matt Drake 9 which will be the biggest adventure I’ve ever written not just in terms of length, but also because it’s my first ‘crossover’ novel, involving teams from Drake, the new Alicia spin-off and my other series, The Disavowed, all coming together in one epic adventure.

How do you view the self-publishing experience?
Self-publishing has been fantastic for me. I would recommend it to anyone who believes they have written a good book and have the good sense to realise that it needs delivering to the public in a highly professional manner. Yes, it’s hard and frustrating and occasionally soul-destroying but then so are many jobs! Through self-publishing I have managed to make writing my full-time profession. What could be better?

How do you see the future of e-books/publishing?
I see many, many more e-books being published, making it harder for indies to achieve that all-important visibility. Most will fall beneath the tide. I see Amazon’s rules becoming stricter, so again to any budding self-publisher I would say make your product highly professional, find out the rules and follow them. Amazon themselves are the ultimate pro-active company and will respond to the market, but ultimately to their customers’ requirements. I certainly do not agree with some authors out there who consistently moan about and hit-out at Amazon, the company who in one stroke revolutionised the publishing industry and gave literally millions of unknown authors the chance to reach the general public. Marketing will have to diversify as many of the current avenues are no longer viable. I do not believe paperbacks will ever die, and I do believe that e-books will ‘top out’ at some point in the future, but who knows what Amazon will come up with next?

Check-out David’s website: www.davidleadbeater.com



Steven Bannister
On Writing & Writers

Author of ‘The Black Mystery’ horror thrillers. Electric guitar enthusiast, lover of coffee, Italian food + travel… www.stevenbannister.com + @SteveBannister_