Hello Internet!

Salutations — and a friendly welcome

Steven Wu
Steven’s Soapbox of Salient Suppositions
1 min readFeb 11, 2020


A nice stock photo to set the vibe

Thanks for taking the time to mosey through my website and find this particular blog post!

At the moment, my blog is pretty bare-bones, but in the near future I hope to find a nice theme and touch up this place a bit.

I also plan to turn this page into a repository on all of my thoughts that I am interested in sharing with the Internet-viewing public. If you’ve met me IRL, then you probably have realized I like to talk a lot about almost anything, so hopefully I can transfer some of that chatter into a more refined, helpful, and socially acceptable format as a blog.

I’ll close this first post with a thematically-relevant quote by Charlotte’s Web author E.B. White:

“With the right words, you can change the world.”



Steven Wu
Steven’s Soapbox of Salient Suppositions

Computer Scientist & Storyteller @ Carnegie Mellon || perpetually tired, but who isn’t