Did You Hear the Deafening Sounds of Lip Smacking Outside the Manhatten Courthouse?

They’re holding auditions for Trump’s vice president

Stephen Sovie
Steveso Thinks


Photo by Morgan Alley on Unsplash

Have you been hearing a lot of loud noises around Manhattan lately? Noises that sound like lips smacking? Well, you’re not alone. Those noises are coming from the area in and around the Manhattan courthouse where Donald Trump is on trial in his “hush money” case.

Trump has been under a gag order since the start of his trial but has violated it several times. He has been found in contempt of court, for which he has been fined, which amounts to pocket change for the supposed millionaire. Yet he continues to violate his gag order.

Unable to confront the jury, the judge’s family, and other court officials directly, Trump has resorted to a different tactic. He has mobilized his loyal MAGA supporters, effectively using them as his voice and defense.

For the past few days, House Speaker Mike Johnson, Senators J.D. Vance, Tubervile, Rick Scott, and Rep. Malliotakis, instead of doing their jobs in Congress to work for the American people, have attended the trial to support traitor Trump. Doug Burgum, the Republican governor of North Dakota, and former GOP candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, also offered their unending support for the Fraudster-in-Chief.



Stephen Sovie
Steveso Thinks

A liberal retiree who loves writing about politics, social issues, my pets and my life experiences. You can buy me coffee here, https://ko-fi.com/stephensovie