Cowboy’s Mistake

Stevie Adler
Adlers Writing


A shot rang out. The music died. The crowd scattered. A drunk cowboy stood staring into space, swaying.

Sheriff Stevens jumped up, drew his gun and covered the culprit, “Boy! Be good now. Put that gun down. Real slow.”

The cowboy obliged claiming, “I only done what the sign said.”

“Deputy! Take this here suspect to jail. Somebody get Doc Reeves.” The cowboy was led away, protesting.

Doc Reeves pronounced the pianist dead.

Deputy Jake got back and ordered two drinks, “That’s one crazy son of a bitch. Claims the sign told him.”

The sheriff took the sign off the wall and placed it on the bar, “Jake, read that sign, out loud.”

“Please don’t shoot the piano player as he is trying his best.”

“What if you don’t read too good, and these scratches, here, and here, put you off some?”

“Shoot the piano player… Well, I’ll be…”

Read, write and appreciate Microfiction.



Stevie Adler
Adlers Writing

Writer of Microfiction/Flash Fiction. Teller of Tales. Editor. Creator of Informative Articles and Opinionated Blogs.