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General Stuff & Reading/Writing

Blog: August 2020: General Stuff & Reading/Writing

Adlers Writing
Published in
5 min readJul 31, 2020


Recently I’ve read a couple of Twitter questions along the lines of:

Why Do You Blog?

I’ve never really thought about the reasons why I blog. I must enjoy the process otherwise I wouldn’t do it. I get 10–40 fans and up to 200 reads after one year for each blog post, so it’s not for the adoration.

I encourage reading and writing of Microfiction on Medium in the hope there will be more readers/writers because I believe Microfiction is a quick, fun way to get a literary fix.

I like to pass on information about stuff I find out about whether it be Medium or Writing Contests or something else.

But, I think the main reason why I write blogs is for my own benefit. I like to be reminded of stuff I thought about, otherwise I forget. I like to log that Ive read a particular book and jot down a few notes of what I thought.

Blogging regularly can also be useful. It is a documented reference of what you did/thought at that time. This can be useful to prove that you have written regularly which could be used in a grant application that needs such proof.

It doesn’t matter what you write, you just have to write something.

Medium Stuff

You may not have noticed, but the way to remove claps from a story has changed:

Press the three dots on the same line as the clapper (bottom of story), then select menu item Undo applause for this post.


This year (2020) I set myself to read one book every two weeks. That’s 26 books in total and so far this year I’ve read 19. I completed two in July. In the following mini reviews I’ve tried NOT to include spoilers, but that might be an impossibility so:
= = = Spoiler Alert = = =

Lovely Bones — Alice Sebold

This story is written from the Point of View of a murdered teenage girl (14). She resides in an in-between place looking down on the family she left behind and how they cope. She can also view anyone else including the man who killed her.

This is sad as it conveys potential hopes and wishes that can never be fulfilled.

At 328 pages the book felt a hundred pages too long and started flagging two thirds through. I have also watched the movie. It wasn’t until I read the book and then watched the movie again did I comprehend fully what was happening.

An enjoyable though sad read. (recommended)

[By the bye — there have been estimates there are between 25 and 50 active serial killers at any one time in the US.]

The Girl in the Spider’s Web — David Lagercrantz

I believe this is book 4 of the Millenium Series. The first were written by Stieg Larsson who died on completion of three (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The Girl who Played with Fire & The Girl who Kicked the Hornets’ Nest).

This book felt way too long. There were descriptions and explanations of what happened in the first three books which you didn’t need to know. This fourth book can be read in isolation. Also, the Main Character, Lisbeth, is now hand-to-hand kick-ass unbeatable, whereas in the first three she always seemed to get beaten up.

Being a translation some of the phrasings in the first half are not quite right. Phrasing is OK later on.

The original author, Stieg Larsson, had planned ten instalments to The Millennium Series but only completed three before he died. David Lagercrantz has written another three with the same characters.

An OK read and I don’t care to find out what happens next in the story (book 5 & 6).

There is film of each of the first three books (Noomi Rapace) AND another of the first “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” (Rooney Mara). I have often binge watched the three Noomi Rapace films.


I’ve also been dipping into some FREE Audible books available on-line during the pandemic, worth a look in.

To Be Read List (TBR)

I have LOADS of books on my TBR list, but I intend reading these soon:

  • Stephen King — Bazaar of Bad Dreams. Short stories by a master. Have read a couple already which is the first fiction I have read by him. Already I’m impressed and want to read on. Each story has a little introduction, by Stephen King, which gives little snapshots into his life.
  • C S Lewis — The Chronicles of Narnia. Couldn’t resist the seven book box-set at my local book discount store to find out what all the fuss is about. [as a by-the-by I’ve bought several box sets from this store. I usually wait until they have an “end of line” extra discount on top of their normal discount for a good bargain.]
  • Adrian Tchaikovsky — Children of Ruin. Earlier this year I read Children of Time, the first in the series and it was a real tomb of a page turner. Seemed like there was two parallel stories in one that converged at the end. Humans meet Spiders on another planet. Must read this followup. Another 600 page which I hope to get from my local library, just as soon as they are allowed to open.


Weird Christmas

I wrote a story for the Weird Christmas Flash Fiction Contest and got it critiqued by three or four other writers (Scribophile--the online writing group, writing workshop, and writing community) and the overwhelming advice was not good:

  • It has NO plot.
  • It has NO conflict.
  • It has characters, but it’s unclear who/what they are.
  • It has NO change in the main character.

Apart from not being “a story” at all it DID tick the WEIRD box.

I really believed my story was good!

It had only half of one of the four basic items for it to be a story. Never mind being any good. How could I ever be delusional in thinking it was good?

This is without doubt the worse story I ever have written. I think I need to print it out and stick it on the wall in my permanent eye-line as a reminder of what NOT to write.

It just goes to show that you should always get someone else to look over your work!

If you are thinking of entering The Weird Christmas Flash Fiction Contest you have until November 1st to submit. Good luck. It’s back to the drawing board for me.

Other Writing

I wrote a nice little 50-word story (other people think it’s good, so I’m encouraged this time). I will be hawking that around soon. My current idea is to place stories in online journals and then “reprint” to Medium. I have managed this once, so far.

I also “polished” a few stories, changing/improving words here and there.

Furious Fiction

Look out for another Furious Fiction writing contest is on the way (Friday 7th August 2020).


Thank you for stopping by to read my thoughts. Good luck if you enter one of the contests. Hope I have entertained you a little,

bye for now




Adlers Writing

Writer of Microfiction/Flash Fiction. Teller of Tales. Editor. Creator of Informative Articles and Opinionated Blogs.